- 400 grame fasole rosie sau alba fiarta;
- 1 morcov;
- 1 ceapa;
- 1 pastarnac;
- 1 patrunjel radacina;
- ¼ telina;
- 1 ardei gras rosu;
- 2 linguri ulei;
- sare;
- piper;
- cimbru uscat;
- 1 legatura patrunjel verde;
- 1 legatura leustean;
- 50 grame fidea;
- 500 mL bors.
Timp de preparare: 40 minute
Portii: 10
Mod de preparare:
Legumele se spala, se curata si se taie marunt. Intr-o oala se pun legumele la calit cu cele 2 linguri de ulei. Dupa cateva minute se adauga 5 L de apa rece si fasolea care este deja fiarta. Se condimenteaza cu sare, piper si cimbru. Se lasa la fiert aproximativ 20 de minute. Se adauga fideaua si borsul. Se mai lasa pana da in clocot si dupa se opreste. Patrunjelul si leusteanul se taie marunt si se adauga in ciorba. O reteta simpla si gustoasa!
Bon Appétit!
400 grams of cooked red or white beans;
1 carrot;
1 onion;
1 parsnip;
1 parsley root;
¼ celery root;
1 red bell pepper;
2 tablespoons of oil;
dried thyme;
1 bunch of fresh parsley;
1 bunch of lovage;
50 grams of vermicelli;
500 mL of fermented wheat bran liquid.
Preparation time: 40 minutes
Servings: 10
Method of preparation:
Wash, peel, and finely chop the vegetables. In a pot, sauté the vegetables with the 2 tablespoons of oil. After a few minutes, add 5 liters of cold water and the cooked beans. Season with salt, pepper, and dried thyme. Let it simmer for approximately 20 minutes.
Add the vermicelli and fermented wheat bran liquid . Bring the soup to a boil, then turn off the heat. Finely chop the parsley and lovage and add them to the soup.
A simple and delicious recipe!
Bon Appétit!