
Mere coapte la cuptor cu crema de mascarpone si fructe de padure/Baked apples with mascarpone cream and berries



Portii: 4


Timp de preparare: 50 minute


Modul de preparare:


Spala merele si taie capacul superior (aproximativ 1 cm), pastrandu-l pentru decor. Folosind o lingurita, scobeste miezul merelor si scoate semintele, lasand un perete de aproximativ 1 cm pentru a pastra forma. In interiorul fiecarui mar, pune cate o jumatate de lingurita de unt si presara scortisoara pudra peste el. Adauga cateva nuci maruntite si fructe de padure proaspete. Pune cate o lingurita de miere peste fructele din interior.

Preincalzeste cuptorul la 200°C (390°F). Aseaza merele intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt. Daca doresti un plus de aroma, poti adauga anasonul stelat in tava, langa mere. Pune tava in cuptorul preincalzit si coace merele timp de 30-35 de minute sau pana cand devin moi si usor caramelizate. Verifica-le cu o scobitoare dupa 30 de minute – daca intra usor in pulpa, merele sunt gata.

Cat timp merele se coc, pregateste crema de mascarpone. Intr-un bol, amesteca mascarponele cu zaharul vanilat pana devine o crema fina si omogena.

Cand merele sunt gata, scoate-le din cuptor si lasa-le sa se raceasca putin. Decoreaza-le cu fructe de padure proaspete, nuci maruntite si un praf de cacao pudra.


Bon appétit!



Servings: 4


Preparation time: 50 minutes


Method of preparation:


Wash the apples and cut off the top (about 1 cm), keeping the “lid” for decoration. Using a spoon, scoop out the core and seeds, leaving about a 1 cm thick wall to maintain the shape of the apples. Inside each apple, place half a teaspoon of butter and sprinkle ground cinnamon over it. Add a few chopped nuts and fresh berries. Drizzle one teaspoon of honey over the fruit filling.

Preheat the oven to 200°C (390°F). Arrange the apples in a baking tray lined with parchment paper. If you want to enhance the flavor, you can add the star anise to the tray next to the apples. Put the tray in the preheated oven and bake the apples for 30-35 minutes or until they become soft and slightly caramelized. Check them with a toothpick after 30 minutes – if it easily goes through the flesh, the apples are ready.

While the apples are baking, prepare the mascarpone cream. In a bowl, mix the mascarpone with the vanilla sugar until you get a smooth and creamy consistency.

Once the apples are ready, take them out of the oven and let them cool slightly. Decorate them with fresh berries, chopped nuts, and a dusting of cocoa powder.


Bon appétit!