
Boeuf Bourguignon


·       800 g carne de vita (pulpa, antricot sau ceafa), taiata cuburi;

·   150 g bacon sau pancetta, taiat cubulete;

·   2 linguri ulei;

·   3 linguri unt;

·   2 morcovi mari, taiati rondele;

·       1 ardei gras rosu, taiat fasii;

·   2 cepe, taiate;

·   4 catei de usturoi, maruntiti;

·   300 g ciuperci champignon, taiate sferturi;

·   500 ml vin rosu sec (Burgundia, Pinot Noir sau Merlot);

·   250 ml supa de vita;

·   2 linguri pasta de tomate;

·   2 linguri faina;

·       1 lingurita cimbru uscat sau o crenguta de cimbru proaspat;

·   2 frunze de dafin;

·       1 lingurita fulgi de ardei iute (sau mai putin, dupa gust);

·       Sare si piper proaspat macinat, dupa gust;

·   Patrunjel proaspat (optional).


Timp de preparare: 30 minute

Timp de gatire: 3 ore


Portii: 4


Mod de preparare:

Intr-o oala mare, baconul se prajeste pana devine crocant, apoi se scoate pe o farfurie. Carnea de vita se rumeneste in aceeasi oala, in transe, astfel incat sa nu fie inghesuita si sa prinda o crusta frumoasa. Se scoate si se lasa deoparte. Ceapa si morcovii se adauga in grasimea ramasa, sotandu-se cateva minute pana devin usor caramelizate, dupa care se adauga usturoiul maruntit. Faina se presara peste legume si se amesteca bine, apoi se adauga pasta de tomate si se amesteca din nou pentru a se incorpora complet.

Vinul rosu se toarna treptat, amestecand continuu. Se adauga supa de vita, cimbrul, frunza de dafin, fulgii de ardei iute, sare si piper, iar apoi se pun inapoi carnea si baconul. Oala se introduce in cuptor, se reduce temperatura si se lasa sa fiarba incet, acoperita, timp de aproximativ 2 ore si jumatate.

In ultimele 30 de minute, ciupercile si ardeiul gras rosu se trag la tigaie intr-un cub de unt, apoi se adauga in tocanita pentru a-si pastra textura si aroma intensa. Se mai lasa la foc mic, fara capac, pentru ca sosul sa se reduca si sa devina mai gros.

Inainte de servire, se presara patrunjel proaspat si se lasa sa se odihneasca 10 minute. Se serveste fierbinte, alaturi de piure de cartofi cremos sau paine prajita.

Bon appétit!


• 800 g beef (chuck, ribeye, or neck), cut into cubes;
• 150 g bacon or pancetta, diced;
• 2 tablespoons oil;
• 3 tablespoons butter;
• 2 large carrots, sliced into rounds;
• 1 red bell pepper, cut into strips;
• 2 onions, chopped;
• 4 garlic cloves, minced;
• 300 g champignon mushrooms, quartered;
• 500 ml dry red wine (Burgundy, Pinot Noir, or Merlot);
• 250 ml beef broth;
• 2 tablespoons tomato paste;
• 2 tablespoons flour;
• 1 teaspoon dried thyme or a sprig of fresh thyme;
• 2 bay leaves;
• 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes (or less, to taste);
• Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste;
• Fresh parsley (optional).


Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 3 hours

Servings: 4


Method of preparation:

In a large pot, cook the bacon until crispy, then remove it onto a plate. Brown the beef in the same pot, in batches, to prevent overcrowding and ensure a nice crust. Remove and set aside. Add the onions and carrots to the remaining fat and sauté for a few minutes until slightly caramelized, then add the minced garlic. Sprinkle the flour over the vegetables and mix well, then stir in the tomato paste to incorporate everything evenly.

Gradually pour in the red wine while stirring constantly. Add the beef broth, thyme, bay leaves, red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper, then return the beef and bacon to the pot. Place the pot in the oven, reduce the temperature, and let it simmer slowly, covered, for approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.

In the last 30 minutes, sauté the mushrooms and red bell pepper in a cube of butter, then add them to the stew to preserve their texture and flavor. Let it cook on low heat, uncovered, to allow the sauce to reduce and thicken.

Before serving, sprinkle fresh parsley on top and let it rest for 10 minutes. Serve hot, alongside creamy mashed potatoes or toasted bread.

Bon appétit!