
Chiftele cu maioneza si ceapa marinata/Meatballs with mayonnaise and marinated onion


-          1 ceapa mare rosie taiata julien;

-          250 grame maioneza;

-          piper boabe;

-          1 foaie de dafin;

-          2 linguri otet;

-          sare;

-          piper;

-          500 grame chiftele: naut, piept de pui sau carne tocata (amestec vita-porc). 

Timp de preparare: 30 minute

Portii: 6

Mod de preparare:

Ceapa se curata, se spala si se taie julien. Intr-o oala se adauga: o cana de apa (aproximativ 300 mL), ceapa, foaia de dafin, otetul, boabele de piper si sarea. Amestecul se lasa pe foc pana cand atinge punctul de fierbere. Cand incepe sa fiarba se opreste si se strecoara printr-o sita. Foaia de dafin se scoate. Boabele de piper se pot pastra. Intr-un bol se adauga: maioneza, chiftelele si ceapa. Se amesteca cu ajutorul unei spatule folosind miscari largi. Se condimenteza cu sare si piper dupa gust. Reprezinta un aperitiv usor de facut si foarte gustos.

Bon Appétit!



Preparation time: 30 minutes

Servings: 6

Method of preparation:

Peel, wash, and slice the onion into julienne strips. In a pot, add: one cup of water (approximately 300 mL), the onion, bay leaf, vinegar, peppercorns, and salt. Heat the mixture until it reaches the boiling point. Once it starts boiling, remove it from the heat and strain it through a sieve. Remove the bay leaf, but you can keep the peppercorns.

In a bowl, add the mayonnaise, meatballs, and onion. Mix gently with a spatula using wide movements. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

This is a quick and delicious appetizer that's easy to prepare.

Bon Appétit!