· 1 kg pui (pulpe, aripi sau piept de pui);
· 150 g bacon (taiat cubulete);
· 2 morcovi mari (taiati bucati mari);
· 1 ceapa mare (taiata in sferturi);
· 200 g ciuperci (taiate mari);
· 3 catei de usturoi (tocati fin);
· 500 ml vin rosu sec (Burgundia sau Pinot Noir);
· 250 ml supa de pui;
· 2 linguri pasta de rosii;
· 2 linguri faina;
· 1/4 legatura cimbru;
· 1 frunza de dafin;
· 2 linguri ulei de floarea-soarelui;
· 30 g unt;
· sare si piper (dupa gust).
Timp de preparare:
· Pregatire: 20 minute
· Gatire: 2 ore si 30 minute la cuptor, la 150°C
Portii: 4
Mod de preparare:
Se incepe prin incalzirea uleiului intr-o oala. Baconul taiat cubulete se rumeneste la foc mediu pana devine crocant, apoi este scos si pus deoparte. In grasimea ramasa, se adauga bucatile de pui, condimentate cu sare si piper, si se rumenesc pe toate partile pana capata o crusta aurie. Odata rumenite, sunt scoase si lasate deoparte.
In aceeasi oala, se adauga ceapa taiata in sferturi si morcovii bucati mari. Se gatesc la foc mic pana incep sa se caramelizeze usor, dupa care se adauga usturoiul si pasta de rosii. Dupa 2 minute, se presara faina si se amesteca bine, astfel incat legumele sa fie uniform acoperite.
Se toarna vinul rosu, amestecand bine pentru a desprinde aromele de pe fundul oalei, apoi se adauga supa de pui. Legatura de cimbru si frunza de dafin se pun direct in oala, urmate de bacon si bucatile de pui. Totul se acopera cu un capac si se transfera in cuptorul preincalzit la 150°C. Gatirea lenta timp de 2 ore si 30 de minute va permite carnii sa absoarba aromele din sos.
In ultimele 30 de minute de gatire, se topeste untul intr-o tigaie, apoi se adauga ciupercile si se soteaza pana devin aurii. Odata gatite, sunt adaugate in oala pentru a-si pastra textura si a absorbi aromele sosului.
La final, se scot legatura de cimbru si frunza de dafin, iar sosul se poate ajusta cu sare si piper, dupa gust. Se serveste fierbinte, alaturi de piure de cartofi sau paine crocanta.
Bon appétit!
· 1 kg chicken (thighs, wings, or breast);
· 150 g bacon (diced);
· 2 large carrots (cut into large pieces);
· 1 large onion (quartered);
· 200 g mushrooms (cut into large pieces);
· 3 garlic cloves (finely chopped);
· 500 ml dry red wine (Burgundy or Pinot Noir);
· 250 ml chicken broth;
· 2 tbsp tomato paste;
· 2 tbsp flour;
· 1/4 bunch thyme;
· 1 bay leaf;
· 2 tbsp sunflower oil;
· 30 g butter;
· salt and pepper (to taste)
Preparation time:
· Prep time: 20 minutes
· Cooking time: 2 hours and 30 minutes in the oven at 150°C
Servings: 4
Method of preparation:
Start by heating the oil in a large pot. Add the diced bacon and cook over medium heat until crispy. Remove the bacon and set it aside. In the remaining fat, add the chicken pieces, season with salt and pepper, and sear on all sides until golden brown. Once browned, remove the chicken and set it aside.
In the same pot, add the quartered onion and large carrot pieces. Cook over low heat until they begin to caramelize. Then, add the chopped garlic and tomato paste, stirring for about 2 minutes. Sprinkle in the flour and mix well to coat the vegetables evenly.
Pour in the red wine, stirring to deglaze the bottom of the pot and release all the flavors. Add the chicken broth, then place the thyme bundle and bay leaf directly into the pot. Return the bacon and chicken pieces to the pot, cover with a lid, and transfer to a preheated oven at 150°C. Slow cooking for 2 hours and 30 minutes will allow the chicken to absorb the rich flavors of the sauce.
In the last 30 minutes of cooking, melt the butter in a separate pan. Add the mushrooms and sauté until golden brown. Once cooked, add them to the pot to preserve their texture and absorb the sauce’s flavors.
Finally, remove the thyme bundle and bay leaf. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot with mashed potatoes or crusty bread.
Bon appétit!