
Supa crema de legume cu crutoane/Vegetable cream soup with croutons 

Ingrediente pentru supa crema de legume:

-          5 cartofi;

-          3 morcovi;

-          1 pastarnac;

-          1 patrunjel radacina;

-          4 ardei rosii copti (curatati de seminte si cotor);

-          2 cepe;

-          ¼ telina mica;

-          200 mL smantana lichida;

-          5 catei de usturoi;

-          sare;

-          piper.

Ingrediente pentru crutoane:

-          10 felii de paine;

-          4-5 linguri ulei de masline;

-          sare;

-          piper;

-          3 catei de usturoi.

Timp de preparare: 1 h

Portii: 8

Mod de preparare supa crema de legume:

Se pune apa la fiert intr- o oala (aproximativ 4 L). Legumele se spala, se curata si se vor taia bucati mari. Legumele taiate sunt adaugate in oala. Se lasa supa la fiert aproximativ 20 de minute (sau pana cand legumele sunt bine fierte). Se ia oala de pe foc si se vor adauga ardeii copti, usturoiul (dat prin presa), smantana lichida, sare si piper. Supa se mixeaza cu un mixer vertical.

Mod de preparare crutoane:

Tai feliile de paine cubulete si le pui intr-un bol. Peste ele adaugi: uleiul, sarea, piperul si usturoiul (dat prin presa). Se amesteca cu o spatula. Dupa cubuletele de paine sunt puse intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt. Crutoanele se dau la cuptor (preincalzit la 200 °C) timp de 12-15 minute (sau pana cand sunt bine rumenite).

Bon Appétit!

Ingredients for the vegetable cream soup:

Ingredients for the croutons:

Preparation time: 1 h

Servings: 8

Method of preparation for the vegetable cream soup:

Bring approximately 4 liters of water to a boil in a pot. Wash, peel, and cut the vegetables into large pieces. Add the chopped vegetables to the pot. Let the soup boil for about 20 minutes (or until the vegetables are well cooked). Remove the pot from the heat and add the roasted red peppers, pressed garlic, liquid cream, salt, and pepper. Blend the soup using an immersion blender.

Method of preparation for the croutons:

Cut the bread slices into cubes and place them in a bowl. Add the olive oil, salt, pepper, and pressed garlic. Mix with a spatula. Place the bread cubes on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake the croutons in a preheated oven at 200 °C for 12-15 minutes (or until they are golden and crispy).

Bon Appétit!