- 40 grame unt moale ;
- 20 grame de faina ;
- 200 mL lapte;
- 4 oua;
- 1 esenta de vanilie;
- 4 linguri zahar pudra;
- 1 lingura de unt pentru a unge formele;
- 1 lingura de faina pentru a tapeta formele;
- fructe de padure (proaspete sau congelate);
- frisca (optional).
Timp de preparare: 50 minute
Portii: 6
Mod de preparare:
Intr-o oala se adauga 40 grame de unt si 20 grame de faina. Se pune pe foc si se amesteca aproximativ 1-2 minute pana faina se gateste. Se adauga laptele si se amesteca cu un tel (pentru a nu forma cocoloase). Se gateste pana cand compozitia capata o textura fluida si omogena. Se separa albusurile de galbenusuri. Albusurile se amesteca cu zaharul si esenta de vanilie. Se bat pana devin spumoase si cresc foarte mult in volum (cum sunt albusurile pentru compozitia de bezele). Peste albusuri se toarna incet compozitia facuta din unt, faina si lapte (care trebuie sa fie racita). Se amesteca cu miscari largi pana este bine incorporata. Formele de ceramica se ung cu unt si se tapeteaza cu putina faina. Se toarna compozitia in fiecare forma. Formele se pun pe o tava si se dau la cuptor (preincalzit la 200° C) timp de 20 de minute. Se poate servi cu fructe de padure si frisca.
Bon Appétit!
40 grams of soft butter;
20 grams of flour;
200 mL of milk;
4 eggs;
1 vanilla essence vial;
4 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
1 tablespoon of butter (to grease the molds);
1 tablespoon of flour (to dust the molds);
berries (fresh or frozen);
whipped cream (optional).
Preparation time: 50 minutes
Servings: 6
Method of preparation:
In a pot, add 40 grams of butter and 20 grams of flour. Cook on low heat, stirring for 1-2 minutes, until the flour is cooked. Gradually add the milk and whisk continuously to avoid lumps. Cook until the mixture becomes smooth and fluid.
Separate the egg whites from the yolks. In a separate bowl, mix the egg whites with the powdered sugar and vanilla essence. Beat until the mixture becomes fluffy and significantly increases in volume, similar to meringue.
Slowly pour the cooled butter-flour-milk mixture into the beaten egg whites. Gently fold with wide movements until well incorporated.
Grease ceramic molds with butter and dust them with flour. Pour the soufflé mixture into each mold, filling them almost to the top. Place the molds on a baking tray and bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20 minutes.
Serve with berries and whipped cream if desired.
Bon Appétit!