- 6 oua;
- 100 mL ulei;
- 150 grame faina;
- 300 grame cascaval ras;
- 100 grame gogosar murat sau proaspat;
- 100 grame masline foliate (50 grame masline verzi si 50 grame masline negre – puteti sa adaugati un singur tip de masline);
- 1 plic praf de copt;
- ½ legatura de ceapa verde;
- ketchup (optional);
- unt sau ulei (pentru a unge tava);
- 250 grame carne (salam/carnati/sunca de pui – dupa preferinta) se taie cubulete.
Timp de preparare: 1 h
Portii: 14
Mod de preparare:
Intr-un bol de adauga ouale si se mixeaza pana isi dubleaza volumul. Adaugati faina, uleiul, praful de copt si mixati din nou. Cascavalul se va da prin razatoarea mica. Gogosarul si ceapa se vor taia marunt. Maslinele (fara samburi) se pot taia rondele sau cubulete (dupa preferinta). Peste compozitie adaugati: ceapa, gogosarul, maslinele si carnea (salam/carnati/sunca – taiate cubulete). Amestecati cu ajutorul unei spatule, folosind miscari largi. Tava de chec se va unge cu ulei sau unt. Puteti folosi un vas yena sau tavi din aluminiu (de unica folosinta). In tava se toarna compozitia pentru chec. Iar deasupra puteti pune ketchup (da un gust dulceag checului). Dati tava la cuptor (preincalzit la 200 ° C) timp de 50 minute sau pana cand trece testul scobitorii.
Cand checul este racit puteti sa il feliati. Eu am mai incercat o varianta de chec aperitiv in care am inlocuit ceapa verde cu ciuperci (aproximativ 80 grame). Ciupercile pot fi proaspete sau la conserva. Checul a iesit foarte bun.
Bon Appétit!
6 eggs;
100 mL of oil;
150 grams of flour;
300 grams of grated cheese;
100 grams of pickled or fresh bell pepper;
100 grams of sliced olives (50 grams green olives and 50 grams black olives, or you can use just one type);
1 packet of baking powder;
½ bunch of green onion;
ketchup (optional);
butter or oil (to grease the pan);
250 grams of meat (salami/sausages/chicken ham, according to preference), cut into cubes.
Preparation time: 1 hour
Servings: 14
Method of preparation:
In a bowl, add the eggs and beat them until they double in volume. Add the flour, oil, and baking powder, and mix again. Grate the cheese finely. Chop the bell pepper and green onion. The olives (pitted) can be sliced into rounds or diced, depending on your preference.
To the batter, add the green onion, bell pepper, olives, and diced meat (salami/sausages/chicken ham). Mix gently with a spatula, using wide movements. Grease the loaf pan with butter or oil. You can use a glass dish or disposable aluminum pans. Pour the batter into the pan. Optionally, drizzle ketchup on top for a sweet touch.
Bake in a preheated oven at 200 °C for 50 minutes or until it passes the toothpick test.
Once the loaf has cooled, you can slice it. I’ve also tried a variation where I replaced the green onion with mushrooms (approximately 80 grams). The mushrooms can be fresh or canned, and the loaf turned out delicious.
Bon Appétit!