2 oua;
350 g telemea de vaca/oaie rasa fin;
200 g cascaval ras fin;
200 g mozzarella cuburi;
150 g sunca taiata cubulete mici;
1 lingurita praf de copt;
½ legatura de marar (optional);
½ legatura de ceapa verde taiata marunt (optional);
1 lingurita boia;
½ lingurita piper macinat;
½ lingurita usturoi granulat;
½ lingurita ceapa granulata;
120 g faina;
ulei pentru prajit (aproximativ 300 mL).
Timp de preparare: 40 minute
Portii: 30 de bulete
Mod de preparare:
Da pe razatoare telemeaua si cascavalul apoi taie sunca si mozzarella in cubulete mici. Daca folosesti marar sau ceapa verde, spala-le, usuca-le si toaca-le marunt. Intr-un bol incapator, amesteca ouale cu branzeturile rase, mararul si ceapa verde. Adauga praful de copt, boiaua, piperul, usturoiul granulat, ceapa granulata si faina, apoi framanta pana obtii un aluat omogen. Daca aluatul este prea moale, mai adauga putina faina. Incinge uleiul intr-o tigaie adanca sau o cratita la foc mediu, formeaza bulete de aproximativ 2,5 cm diametru iar in interiorul lor pune cate un cub de sunca si unul de mozzarella, prajeste-le in serii, avand grija sa nu aglomerezi tigaia. Lasa-le sa se rumeneasca frumos timp de 3-4 minute, scoate-le cu o spumiera si aseaza-le pe un prosop de hartie pentru a absorbi excesul de ulei. Serveste-le calde, alaturi de sosul tau preferat.
Bon Appétit!
• 2 eggs;
• 350 g cow/sheep telemea cheese, finely grated;
• 200 g finely grated cheese;
• 200 g mozzarella, cubed;
• 150 g ham, diced into small cubes;
• 1 teaspoon baking powder;
• ½ bunch of dill (optional);
• ½ bunch of green onion, finely chopped (optional);
• 1 teaspoon paprika;
• ½ teaspoon ground pepper;
• ½ teaspoon granulated garlic;
• ½ teaspoon granulated onion;
• 120 g flour;
• oil for frying (approximately 300 mL).
Preparation time: 40 minutes
Servings: 30 balls
Method of preparation:
Grate the telemea cheese and the other cheese, then cut the ham and mozzarella into small cubes. If using dill or green onion, wash, dry, and finely chop them. In a large bowl, mix the eggs with the grated cheeses, dill, and green onion. Add the baking powder, paprika, pepper, granulated garlic, granulated onion, and flour, then knead until you obtain a homogeneous dough. If the dough is too soft, add a bit more flour. Heat oil in a deep frying pan or pot over medium heat. Shape the dough into small balls of about 2.5 cm in diameter, placing a cube of ham and a cube of mozzarella inside each ball. Fry them in batches, making sure not to overcrowd the pan. Let them brown nicely for 3-4 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon, and place them on a paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Serve hot with your favorite sauce.
Bon Appétit!