
Supa de pui cu galuste/Chicken soup with semolina dumplings


-          300 grame piept de pui fara os;

-          1 morcov mare;

-          2 cepe;

-          1 pastranac;

-          1 patrunjel radacina;

-          ¼ telina;

-          1 legatura de patrunjel verde;

-          2 oua;

-          120 grame gris;

-          1 lingura de ulei;

-          sare;

-          piper.


Timp de preparare: 1 h 15 minute


Portii: 10


Mod de preparare:

Pieptul de pui se spala si se pune la fiert intr-o oala cu aproximativ 4 L de apa rece. Legumele se spala, se curata si se taie bucati mari. In aceeasi oala adaugati legumele taiate. Se adauga sare, piper si o lingura de ulei. Carnea si legumele se lasa la fiert pana sunt bine patrunse cu o furculita. Supa se spumuieste constant in timp ce fierbe. Dupa ce legumele si carnea au fiert, ele se scot din supa. Pieptul de pui se taie felii subtiri iar legumele puteti sa le taiati cubulete (eu am ales sa pastrez doar morcovul pe care l-am taiat rondele). Ele se adauga inapoi in supa.

Separat intr-un bol bateti cele 2 oua pana devin spumoase si adaugati treptat cate o lingura de gris in ploaie. Amestecati cu ajutorul unui tel. Adaugati sare si piper. Lasati compozitia de gris cu ou aproximativ 15 minute la temperatura camerei (in tot acest timp ea se umfla).

Dati focul la mic (supa nu trebuie sa clocoteasca) si cu ajutorul unei lingurite luati din compozitia pentru galuste si puneti cu grija in supa. Repetati operatiunea pana cand terminati toata compozitia pentru galuste. Acoperiti supa cu un capac si lasati sa fiarba la foc mic. Verificati la cateva minute galustele. In timp ce supa fierbe, galustele se vor umfla si vor deveni pufoase. Cand galustele sunt pufoase si mari, optiti focul si puneti patrunjel verde taiat marunt.


Bon Appétit!


Preparation time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Servings: 10

Method of preparation:

Wash the chicken breast and place it in a pot with approximately 4 liters of cold water. Wash, peel, and cut the vegetables into large pieces. Add the chopped vegetables to the same pot. Season with salt, pepper, and one tablespoon of oil. Simmer the chicken and vegetables until tender. Skim the foam off the surface of the soup regularly as it cooks.

Once the chicken and vegetables are cooked, remove them from the soup. Slice the chicken breast into thin strips and dice the vegetables if desired (I kept only the carrot, which I sliced into rounds). Add them back into the soup.

In a separate bowl, beat the 2 eggs until frothy and gradually add semolina, one spoonful at a time, while mixing with a whisk. Add salt and pepper to taste. Let the semolina mixture rest at room temperature for about 15 minutes (it will expand during this time).

Reduce the heat to low (the soup should not boil) and, using a teaspoon, scoop small portions of the semolina mixture and carefully drop them into the soup. Repeat until all the mixture is used. Cover the pot with a lid and let the soup simmer on low heat. Check the dumplings occasionally. As the soup simmers, the dumplings will expand and become fluffy.

When the dumplings are soft and puffed up, turn off the heat and add finely chopped fresh parsley.

Bon Appétit!