
Dorada la cuptor cu legume/Oven-baked sea bream with vegetables


-          2 pesti dorada;

-          2 lamai;

-          5 cartofi;

-          200 grame rosii cherry;

-          1 ceapa;

-          cimbru uscat;

-          ½ capatana de usturoi;

-          6 linguri de ulei;

-          1 morcov;

-          150 grame ciuperci shimeji albe;

-          3-4 ardei iuti bird’s eye;

-          sare;

-          piper.

Timp de preparare: 1 h 30 minute

Portii: 2

Mod de preparare:

Pestii se eviscereaza, se curata de solzi si se cresteaza. Peste ei se adauga sare si piper. In interiorul fiecarui peste se pune: sare, piper, 2-3 felii de lamaie si 2 catei de usturoi (zdrobiti). Dupa se pun intr-o tava (tapetata cu hartie de copt). Cartofii, morcovul si ceapa se curata si se vor taia bucati mari. Rosiile si ciupercile se lasa intregi. Legumele se amesteca cu ulei, sare si piper intr-un bol separat. Dupa se pun in tava. Peste legume se adauga cimbru, cateii de usturoi ramasi si ardeii iuti. Tava este acoperita cu folie de aluminiu si se va pune la cuptor (preincalzit la 200 °C) pentru aproximativ 1 ora. Dupa 45 minute se poate indeparta folia de aluminiu si se mai lasa tava la cuptor timp de 10-15 minute.

Bon Appétit!


Preparation time: 1 h 30 minutes

Servings: 2

Method of preparation:

The fish are gutted, descaled, and scored. Add salt and pepper to them. Inside each fish, place: salt, pepper, 2-3 lemon slices, and 2 crushed garlic cloves. Then place the fish in a tray (lined with baking paper).

Peel the potatoes, carrot, and onion, and cut them into large pieces. Leave the tomatoes and mushrooms whole. Mix the vegetables with oil, salt, and pepper in a separate bowl. Then add them to the tray. Sprinkle the vegetables with thyme, the remaining garlic cloves, and the chili peppers.

Cover the tray with aluminum foil and place it in the oven (preheated to 200 °C) for approximately 1 hour. After 45 minutes, remove the aluminum foil and leave the tray in the oven for another 10-15 minutes.

Bon Appétit!