- 500 grame piept de pui fara os;
- 2 cepe medii;
- 1 pastarnac;
- 2 morcovi;
- 1 patrunjel;
- cimbru uscat;
- 1 legatura de patrunjel verde;
- 1-2 foi de dafin;
- 1 ardei iute bird’s eye;
- o capatana de usturoi;
- 2-3 linguri de otet;
- 3 galbenusuri;
- 350 grame smantana (20% grasime);
- sare;
- piper.
Timp de preparare: 1 h 30 minute
Portii: 10
Mod de preparare:
Legumele (patrunjelul, morcovul, pastarnacul si ceapa) se curata, se spala si sunt taiate felii mari. Umplem o oala cu 5 L de apa. Se adauga pieptul de pui, legumele, cimbru uscat, ardeiul iute zdrobit si foile de dafin. Ciorba se spumuieste pana cand spuma nu se mai formeaza la suprafata. Dupa ce carnea si legumele au fiert, ele se scot din supa impreuna cu foile de dafin, cimbrul uscat si ardeiul. Pieptul de pui se taie feliute subtiri iar morcovul se poate taia cubulete. Separat intr-un bol se amesteca: 3 galbenusuri, 3-4 polonice din supa fierbinte si smantana. Aceasta compozitie se amesteca cu un tel pana se omogenizeaza si dupa se toarna in ciorba. In timp ce ciorba este pe foc se adauga: otetul, usturoiul (dat prin presa), sare, piper, morcovul (taiat cubulete/felii) si pieptul de pui. Se mai lasa aproximativ 10 minute. La sfarsit se adauga patrunjel verde tocat.
Bon Appétit!
500 grams of boneless chicken breast;
2 medium onions;
1 parsnip;
2 carrots;
1 parsley root;
dried thyme;
1 bunch of fresh parsley;
1-2 bay leaves;
1 bird’s eye chili pepper;
1 garlic bulb;
2-3 tablespoons of vinegar;
3 egg yolks;
350 grams of sour cream (20% fat);
Preparation time: 1 h 30 minutes
Servings: 10
Method of preparation:
Peel, wash, and slice the vegetables (parsley root, carrot, parsnip, and onion) into large pieces. Fill a pot with 5 liters of water. Add the chicken breast, vegetables, dried thyme, crushed chili pepper, and bay leaves. Skim the foam from the surface of the soup until no more forms.
Once the chicken and vegetables are cooked, remove them from the soup along with the bay leaves, dried thyme, and chili. Slice the chicken breast into thin strips, and dice or slice the carrots.
In a separate bowl, mix 3 egg yolks, 3-4 ladles of hot soup, and the sour cream. Whisk this mixture until smooth, then pour it back into the soup. While the soup is on the stove, add vinegar, pressed garlic, salt, pepper, the diced/sliced carrots, and the chicken breast. Let it simmer for another 10 minutes.
Finally, garnish with chopped fresh parsley.
Bon Appétit!