Ingrediente pentru pastravul prajit:
- 4 bucati file de pastrav congelat;
- 8 linguri malai;
- sare;
- piper;
- ulei pentru prajit.
Ingrediente pentru mamaliga:
- 100 grame malai;
- ½ lingurita sare;
- 400 mL apa.
Ingrediente pentru mujdei:
- 1 capatana usturoi;
- sare;
- piper;
- o lingurita de ulei;
- 3 lingurite de apa.
Timp de preparare: 30 minute
Portii: 4
Mod de preparare:
Peste bucatile de pastrav file se pune sare si piper (pe ambele parti). Fileul se trece prin malai. Intr-o tigaie se pune ulei la prajit. Se pune fileul in tigaie si se lasa la foc mediu. Cand fileul este prajit se intoarce pe cealalta parte. Fileul se scoate si se pune pe prosoape din hartie (pentru a elimina excesul de ulei). Separat intr-o oala se pune malaiul, apa si sarea la fiert. Mamaliga se amesteca incontinuu pe durata fierberii. Dupa aproximativ 10 minute ea se ingroasa si este gata de pus pe farfurie. Cateii de usturoi se dau prin presa si peste ei se adauga: sare, piper, 1 lingurita de ulei si 3 lingurite de apa. Se amesteca foarte bine.
Bon Appétit!
Ingredients for the fried trout:
4 pieces of frozen trout fillet;
8 tablespoons of cornmeal;
oil for frying.
Ingredients for the polenta:
100 grams of cornmeal;
½ teaspoon of salt;
400 mL of water.
Ingredients for the garlic sauce:
1 garlic bulb;
1 teaspoon of oil;
3 teaspoons of water.
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4
Method of preparation:
Season the trout fillets with salt and pepper on both sides. Coat each fillet in cornmeal. Heat oil in a frying pan and place the fillets in the pan. Fry over medium heat. Once one side is golden and cooked, flip the fillet to fry the other side. Remove the fillets and place them on paper towels to absorb the excess oil.
In a separate pot, add the cornmeal, water, and salt. Stir the polenta continuously while cooking. After approximately 10 minutes, the polenta will thicken and can be plated.
Press the garlic cloves and mix with salt, pepper, 1 teaspoon of oil, and 3 teaspoons of water. Stir well until smooth.
Bon Appétit!