· 200 grame of spaghetti;
· 150 grame de guanciale;
· 60 grame de Pecorino Romano (razuit);
· piper negru proaspat macinat;
· sare pentru apa de paste.
Portii: 2
Timp de preparare: 20 minute
Mod de preparare:
Pune o oala cu apa sarata la fiert si gateste pastele al dente, conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj. Pastreaza aproximativ 1 cana din apa in care au fiert pastele inainte de a le scurge.
Intre timp, taie guanciale in fasii mici. Incalzeste o tigaie mare la foc mediu si adauga guanciale. Gateste-l pana devine crocant si aurit, lasand grasimea sa se topeasca. Opreste focul temporar pentru a evita arderea.
Cand pastele sunt gata, transfera-le direct in tigaie, folosind un cleste. Amesteca pentru a acoperi pastele cu grasimea din guanciale.
Adauga treptat branza Pecorino Romano razuita, amestecand rapid pentru a obtine o consistenta cremoasa. Foloseste apa de la paste, cate putin, pentru a lega sosul.
Condimenteaza generos cu piper negru proaspat macinat si amesteca bine. Ajusteaza sarea daca este nevoie.
Serveste imediat, garnisind cu extra Pecorino Romano si piper, daca doresti.
Bon Appétit!
200 grams of spaghetti;
150 grams of guanciale;
60 grams of Pecorino Romano cheese (grated);
freshly ground black pepper;
salt for pasta water.
Servings: 2
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Method of preparation:
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and cook the pasta until al dente according to the package instructions. Reserve about 1 cup of pasta water before draining.
While the pasta cooks, cut the guanciale into small strips. Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add the guanciale. Cook it until crispy and golden, allowing the fat to render. Remove the pan from heat temporarily to avoid burning.
Once the pasta is ready, transfer it directly into the skillet with the guanciale, using tongs. Toss to coat the pasta in the rendered fat.
Gradually add the grated Pecorino Romano cheese, stirring quickly to combine. Use the reserved pasta water, a little at a time, to create a creamy sauce.
Season generously with freshly ground black pepper and toss to mix everything thoroughly. Adjust the salt if needed.
Serve immediately, garnished with extra Pecorino Romano and black pepper if desired.
Bon Appétit!